Today we want to show you ways how you can pass the check on modified servers with in Rust. Let’s look at two options, the first is checking with scripts from Nova Macro and the second is checking with your own files or software.
Checking with scripts from Nova Macro.
The easiest thing can think of is to go to the «Misc» tab and find the «Panic key» button, as in the screenshot below. After pressing this button, all traces of using the program will disappear from your computer. This button clears not only all well-known places (Lastactivity, Prefetch, etc.), but also bypasses such difficult to clean places like last deleted files, recoverable with program «Recuva» and the registry system, while in the registry are cleared even those sectors that can not be cleaned manually, what successfully enjoy technically savvy checkers on popular modding servers. Also, do not forget to clear the history of the browser and download, the program will not do this for you, because of moral standards. At the time of writing this article, in the world there is no more advanced «Panic key» to bypass manual checks on modded servers.

Check with your own software.
Now let’s look at how to bypass the check with your personal software. First, download this executable from the link. Download the file by double-clicking on it, no need to pack it in the archive (otherwise it will show up in the Recent folder). Run the file, after launching you will see a console with the options for cleaning the logs. Click on all 3 options one by one. Do not worry about your files, this file will clean only the logs of your computer. After completion, delete this file, because it is also forbidden by the administration of many mod servers to use.

Warning. Remember to clear your browser downloads and history. If you don’t want your entire browser history cleared, then use a incognito mode or the Tor browser (not a proprietary open-source browser, clears everything up after your session ends).
Of course the cleanup method using the executable we presented above is not comparable to the methods used by the “Panic key” macros from Nova Macro, but it should be enough to pass inspections on most servers. And if you want to be guaranteed to pass inspections, even with the most savvy moderators, then purchase our private scripts for any mouse and weapon for Rust, you can see the products in our store.